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2. Reshaping the Belief of "I Am Not Good Enough" : stressLess-life

Reshaping the Belief of "I Am Not Good Enough"


I recently connected with my coaching clients and something quite intriguing emerged from our conversations. It appears that many of us grapple with a common and persistent thought: "I am not good enough" This limiting belief tends to act as a major roadblock, deterring us from pursuing our aspirations.

Now, you might wonder where this belief stems from. Sometimes, it harks back to past experiences when we found ourselves measuring up against others. Other times, it's rooted in the judgments we've internalized from those around us. These judgments, once buried deep within, transform into the very judgments we have about ourselves.

To break free from this mindset, we need to delve into it and unearth its origin. Think back to a time when you felt the weight of not being good enough. Then ask yourself -why do you seek to be good enough? Is it truly your own desire, or is it the result of external pressures from family, friends, work, or society that constantly thrust you into comparisons with others? Quite often, we find ourselves on this path due to these external influences. However, constantly comparing yourself to others only takes you further from your own authentic and fulfilling life. After all, fulfillment varies for each individual. It's not achieved by mirroring others; it demands finding your unique path. Personally, as I transitioned from being achievement-driven to fulfillment-driven, the question of whether I'm good enough in comparison to others lost its grip on me. What really matters is whether I'm authentic enough and whether I've delved into my own uniqueness enough to carve out a life on my terms.

So, take a moment and reflect: What does "good enough" truly signify to you? Is it about outperforming others, or is it about staying true and authentic to yourself? Opt for a definition that empowers you. For instance, my definition of "good enough" revolves around putting my best foot forward in every moment, irrespective of the eventual outcome or destination of my journey.

Now, once you've delved into the depths of reframing "I am not good enough," you might be curious about handling external comments or judgments that come your way, echoing the same old sentiment. These comments are often more about the person delivering them than about you. They're a projection of their own inner world. So, the next time you're confronted with such comments, remember not to take them personally. You needn't prove yourself to anyone else. You can't control their reactions or validation. What you can control is your own self-worth. Eventually, you'll find the confidence to declare, "I don't need to be good enough; I just need to be uniquely me, content, and authentic."

Now, let's craft a personalized self-affirmation together. How would you reframe "I am not good enough" into something that empowers you? Feel free to comment below and share your thoughts.

Written by Tracey Zhang, a personal growth coach who helps aspiring millennials navigate through life transitions and create a life that's aligned with their passions and values.

submitted by /u/traceyzhang
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