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2. PERMA has a silent H! : stressLess-life

PERMA has a silent H!


And that H is for Health: health and wellbeing are inextricably intertwined. Trying to separate physical and mental makes as much sense as trying to separate the eggs back out of a baked chocolate cake. And this brings us back to a core reality of how we live our lives today: our lifestyle is often out of synchronisation with our evolutionary legacy.

The modern consensus view of our evolution says the package we call human – Homo Sapiens – emerged as a whole in Africa approximately fifty thousand years ago. Everything we call culture and civilisation we’ve built with the same body and brain. Over that time, our civilisations have evolved to make ourselves and our planet so vastly different from what our ancient ancestors would recognise. Herein lies the roots of the lack of synchronicity: when we live our lives out of kilter with our evolutionary selves, it takes its toll. On our wellbeing via the anger, anxiety and depression (and the myriad of symptoms this manifests) that is rife in our society. And on our health.

‘The Global Burden of Disease’ study, carried out by the Seattle-based Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation looked at causes of debilitation and loss of quality of life for people suffering 291 diseases in 187 countries around the world. The first results, published in The Lancet in late 2012, say that the world’s top health problems today are caused by, in order:

· High blood pressure

· Smoking

· Alcohol consumption

· Household air pollution

· Low fruit consumption

· Obesity

· High blood sugar

· Low body weight

· Ambient particulate matter

· Inactivity

· High salt intake

· Low seed and nut consumption

These are not flaws or failings in the design of our bodies but, rather, self-inflicted damages brought on by living out of kilter with our evolutionary selves. This is what ails us. Every single one of the twelve leading risk factors worldwide is a disease of civilisation - a direct result of misalignment with evolution’s design of our body. A direct result of imposing conditions that our design was not meant to accommodate.

This is far from a new concept. In his 1969 publication ‘The Human Zoo’, the Zoologist Desmond Morris summarises:

‘Under normal conditions, in their natural habitats, wild animals do not mutilate themselves, attack their offspring, develop stomach ulcers, suffer from obesity or commit murder. Among human city-dwellers, needless to say, all of these things occur. Does this, then, reveal a basic difference between the human species and other animals? At first glance it seems to do so. But this is deceptive. Other animals do behave in these ways under certain circumstances, namely when they are confined in the unnatural conditions of captivity. The zoo animal in a cage exhibits all these abnormalities that we know so well from our human companions. Clearly, then, the city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo.

The comparison we must make is not between the city-dweller and the wild-animal, but between the city-dweller and the captive animal. The modern human is no longer living in conditions natural for the species. Trapped, not by a zoo collector, but by their own brainy brilliance, they have set themselves up in a huge, restless menagerie where they are in constant danger of cracking under the strain.

Despite the pressure, however, the benefits are great. The zoo world, like a gigantic parent, protects its inmates: food, drink, shelter, hygiene and medical care are provided: the basic problems of survival are reduced to a minimum. There is time to spare. How this time is used in a non-human zoo varies, of course, from species to species. Some animals quietly relax and doze in the sun, others find prolonged inactivity increasingly difficult to accept. If you are an inmate of a human zoo, you inevitably belong to this second category. Having an essentially exploratory, inventive brain, you will not be able to relax for very long. You will be driven on and on to more and more elaborate activities. You will investigate, organise, and create and, in the end, you will have plunged yourself deeper still into an even more captive zoo world. With each new complexity, you will find yourself one step further away from your natural tribal state.

The story of Homosapien is the story of this struggle to deal with the consequences of this difficult advance. The picture is confused and confusing, partly because we are involved in it in a dual role, being, at the same time, both spectators and participants.

If I seem to be saying ‘Go back, you are heading for disaster’, let me assure you that I am not. We have, in our relentless social progress, gloriously unleashed the powerful inventive, exploratory urges. They are a basic part of our biological inheritance. There is nothing artificial or unnatural about them. They provide us with our great strength as well as our great weaknesses. What I am trying to show is the increasing price we have to pay for indulging them and the ingenious ways in which we contrive to meet the price, no matter how steep it becomes. The stakes are rising higher all the time, the game becoming more-risky, the casualties more startling, the pace more breathless. But despite the hazards it is the most exciting game the world has ever seen. It is foolish to suggest that anyone should blow a whistle and try to stop it. Nevertheless, there are different ways of playing it, and if we can understand better the true nature of the players it should be possible to make the game even more rewarding, without at the same time becoming more dangerous and, ultimately, disastrous for the whole species.’’

So, the key message from these insights spanning half a century is clear: a key pillar in living our best life is to live in synchronicity with our evolutionary legacy.

submitted by /u/EERMA
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