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2. Trying to love myself but my bf's "honesty" makes it hard : stressLess-life

Trying to love myself but my bf's "honesty" makes it hard


I know I'm gonna get into trouble for this because I previously posted about a problem my bf and I had in r/relationshipadvice and about 98% of the comments told me to leave him. My bf and I talked things out and made up, but here I am again.

Now I know this is gonna sound dumb, but today I suggested that we order Tiago's, a place that sells flamed-grilled, spicy chicken. He responded by jokingly and affectionately calling me his "spicy chicken". I then asked him which flavour I would be. He said "lemon and herd". Not even mild.

This made me upset and he noticed. He asked why I'm upset and I asked if I'm that boring. He reminded me of a conversation we had earlier about vanilla. How vanilla is synonymous with boring, yet it's the most popular flavour of ice cream and how vanilla beans are so expensive. He kept trying to reassure me but I still felt bad.

But now as I'm typing this out, I realise how ridiculous I sound. He does love me. He's proven that time and time again. For example, one night I went out drinking with friends. I got really drunk and left the club without telling anyone. I got lost and I phoned him crying to come get me. I remember how worried he sounded because he couldn't find me for a while and we live in a dangerous country and it was almost midnight.

I love this bastard so much and my biggest fear is he'll leave me for someone better. But even though his words hurt sometimes, his actions show me everything I need to know. We have our good times and bad like anyone else and I hope I can love myself as much as I love him.

TL;DR: I asked my bf a stupid, hypothetical question and got upset over the answer.

submitted by /u/noahboi1917
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